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About us

Welcome to Northumberland East Sixth Form or as we hope to become affectionately known - NE6.

Welcome to Northumberland East Sixth Form, also known as - NE6.

Our joint sixth form brings together the best of Ashington and Bedlington Academy sixth forms. Our vision for our sixth form is simple – to deliver excellence every day. 

At sixth form level we work hard to achieve this vision through a rigorous approach to teaching and learning, an exciting and stimulating curriculum offer and dedicated pastoral support. We believe these ingredients provide the very best opportunity for you to fulfil your dreams.

As a student at our sixth form you will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills. You will be encouraged to take advantage of our active citizenship opportunities which include a wide range of activities such as sporting events, school productions, charitable endeavours, and supporting younger students.

Our sixth form is large enough to offer a rich curriculum, but small enough to ensure all students are known and cared for. We are very proud of our sixth form and the achievements of our students.

Laura Smith, NE6 Strategic Lead