Our NE6 Careers provision covers a range of activities through the year including 1:1 meetings with our impartial careers advisor, lots of workshops and presentations from apprenticeship and university providers and a weekly focus on careers in tutor time. This time of year is when our Year 12 students have to start making some decisions. To help them with this we have lots of events:
All students have visited the UCAS conference in Newcastle on 21st June
We have invited parents in for a destinations evening on 25th June
In school we will be launching the application process for university in our Wednesday afternoon time on 26th June
All students will visit Newcastle and Northumbria University Open Days on 28th June
At the UCAS conference our students were almost first through the door and got to speak to representatives from literally hundreds of universities from across the country. Students received loads of useful information to help them making their next step choices, and also managed to bag some great freebies too!