
A festive science trip!

Date Published:
Friday 15 December 2023

In all subjects we look for opportunities to learn outside of the classroom and to form links with local industry and education providers. This is especially important for our STEM subjects and this Christmas some of our A level Scientists took a trip to the Centre for Life in Newcastle. 

You may know the Centre for Life as a family friendly science centre, but it is also a world-leading research centre focusing on genetics and they run all sorts of workshops and events for local schools. Our students were lucky enough to get to take part in a genetic engineering workshop. As part of this, the students spent the morning in the laboratory using microbiology and DNA technology techniques. This is invaluable experience for them which will support their practical work in school, but also offers great insight into what it would be like to study Sciences at university or even become a scientific researcher as a career!

Finally, because it's Christmas after all, our students watched a festive themed planetarium show and finished the day with some ice skating. 

What a fabulous way to end the term before Christmas!

  • Centre for Life trip
  • Science trip
  • Centre for Life trip
  • Science trip